
1. 家禽种质资源高效保护技术
2. 蛋鸡和鸽重要性状调控机制解析与功能标记挖掘鉴定
3. 蛋鸡和经济鸽新品系选育与新品种培育

1. 科技奖励
北京油鸡新品种培育与产业升级关键技术研发应用, 北京市科学技术奖一等奖,2020年。
2. 新品种
[1] Yuan J, Li Q, Sun Y, Wang Y, Li Y, You Z, Ni A, Zong Y, Ma H and Chen J*. Multi-tissue transcriptome profiling linked the association between tissue-specific circRNAs and the heterosis for feed intake and efficiency in chicken. Poultry Science. 2024, 103(7):103783.
[2] Zhang R, Li Y, Li X, Ni A, Gao Y, Zong Y, Sun Y, Yuan J, Chen J, Ma H*. Pigeon novel-miR-741 targets OTUD1 to inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of crop fibroblasts.
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[3] Sun, Y, Li, Y, Shi, L, Xue, F, Xu, H, Meng, Q, Liu, Y, Zong, Y, Ma, H, & Chen, J*. Differential proteomics highlights specific testicular proteins associated with chicken sperm motility and fertility potential. Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 2023, 68(1): 36-47.
[4] Ni, A, Calus, M, Bovenhuis, H, Yuan, J, Wang, Y, Sun, Y*, & Chen, J*. Genetic parameters, reciprocal cross differences, and age-related heterosis of egg-laying performance in chickens. Genetics Selection Evolution. 2023, 55(1): 87.
[5] Yuan J, Zhao J, Sun Y, Wang Y, Li Y, Ni A, Zong Y, Ma H, Wang P, Shi L and Chen J*. The mRNA-lncRNA landscape of multiple tissues uncovers key regulators and molecular pathways that underlie heterosis for feed intake and efficiency in laying chickens. Genetics Selection Evolution. 2023 55: 69.
[6] Han, X, Li, Y, Zong, Y, Li, D, Yuan, J, Yang, H, Ma, H, Ni, A, Wang, Y, Zhao, J, Chen, J, Ma, T, & Sun, Y*. Extracellular vesicle-coupled miRNA profiles of chicken seminal plasma and their potential interaction with recipient cells. Poultry Science, 2023, 102(12): 103099.
[7] Yang, H, Li, Y, Yuan, J, Ni, A, Ma, H, Wang, Y, Zong, Y, Zhao, J, Jin, S, Sun, Y *., & Chen, J. Research Note: Genetic parameters for egg production and clutch-related traits in indigenous Beijing-You chickens. Poultry Science, 2023,102(9):102904.
[8] Li X, Ni A, Zhang R, Li Y, Yuan J, Sun Y, Chen J, Ma H*. Identification of miRNA Associated with Trichomonas gallinae Resistance in Pigeon (Columba livia). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(22): 16453.
[9] Sun, Y, Li, Y, Zong, Y, Mehaisen, G, & Chen, J*. Poultry genetic heritage cryopreservation and reconstruction: advancement and future challenges. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2022, 13(1): 115.
[10] Zong Y, Sun Y, Li Y,Mehaisen G, Yuan J, Ma H, Ni A, Wang Y, Hamad S,Elomda A, Abbas A and Chen J*.Effect of glycerol concentration, glycerol removal method, and straw type on the quality and fertility of frozen chicken semen. Poultry Science,2022,101:101840.
[11] Yuan J, Li S, Sheng Z, Zhang M, Liu X, Yuan Z, Yang N and Chen J*. Genome-wide run of homozygosity analysis reveals candidate genomic regions associated with environmental adaptations of Tibetan native chickens. BMC Genomics,2022, 23:91.
[12] Zhang R, Ma H, Han P, Li Y, Sun Y, Yuan J, Wang Y, Ni A, Zong Y, Bian S, Zhao J, Chen J*. Effects of feed systems on growth performance, carcass characteristics, organ index, and serum biochemical parameters of pigeon. Poultry Science, 2022, 101(12):102224.
[13] Wang Y, Yuan J, Sun Y, Li Y, Wang P, Shi L, Ni A, Zong Y, Zhao J, Bian S, Ma H, Chen J*. Genetic basis of sexual maturation heterosis: insights from ovary lncRNA and mRNA repertoire in chicken. Frontiers in Endocrinology,2022,13:951534.
[14] Wang P, Sun Y, Li Y, Fan J, Zong Y, Isa A M, Shi L, Wang Y, Ni A, Ge P, Jiang L, Bian S, Ma H, Yuan Z, Liu X* and Chen J*, Monochromatic green light stimulation during incubation shortened the hatching time via pineal function in White Leghorn eggs. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2021,12:17.
[15] Li Y, Sun Y, Ni A, Shi L, Wang P, Isa A M, Ge P, Jiang L, Fan J, Ma H, Yang G* and Chen J*, Seminal plasma proteome as an indicator of sperm dysfunction and low sperm motility in chickens. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,2020,19(6): 1035–1046.
[16] Isa A M, Sun Y, Shi L, Jiang L, Li Y, Fan J, Wang P, Ni A, Huang Z, Ma H, Li D and Chen J*, Hybrids generated by crossing elite laying chickens exhibited heterosis for clutch and egg quality traits, Poultry Science, 2020, 99(12): 6332–6340.
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