
1、 肠道健康与养分高效利用机理
2、 奶牛营养调控与粗饲料高效利用技术
3、 奶牛提质增效技术模式集成示范

1、Gao ST, Ma L, Zhou Z, Zhou ZK, Baumgard LH, Jiang D, Bionaz M, Bu DP: Heat stress negatively affects the transcriptome related to overall metabolism and milk protein synthesis in mammary tissue of midlactating dairy cows. Physiol Genomics 2019, 51(8):400-409.
2、Girma DD, Ma L, Wang F, Jiang QR, Callaway TR, Drackley JK, Bu DP: Effects of close-up dietary energy level and supplementing rumen-protected lysine on energy metabolites and milk production in transition cows. J Dairy Sci 2019, 102(8):7059-7072.
3、Ma L, Yang Y, Zhao X, Wang F, Gao S, Bu D: Heat stress induces proteomic changes in the liver and mammary tissue of dairy cows independent of feed intake: An iTRAQ study. PLoS One 2019, 14(1):e0209182.
4、Pi Y, Ma L, Pierce KM, Wang HR, Xu JC, Bu DP: Rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil supplementation alter digestion, ruminal fermentation and rumen fatty acid profile of dairy cows. Animal 2019:1-10.
5、Sun LL, Gao ST, Wang K, Xu JC, Sanz-Fernandez MV, Baumgard LH, Bu DP: Effects of source on bioavailability of selenium, antioxidant status, and performance in lactating dairy cows during oxidative stress-inducing conditions. J Dairy Sci 2019, 102(1):311-319.
6、Wang F, van Baal J, Ma L, Loor JJ, Wu ZL, Dijkstra J, Bu DP: Short communication: Relationship between lysine/methionine ratios and glucose levels and their effects on casein synthesis via activation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling pathway in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J Dairy Sci 2019, 102(9):8127-81336.
7、Ostermann A, Mortimer PE, Huang R, Ma L, Bu D, Xu J: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Soil Contaminated with the Veterinary Antibiotics Oxytetracycline and Sulfamethazine. J Environ Qual 2019, 48(4):1067-1073.
8、Shyam Sundar Paul, Dengpan Bu, Jianchu Xu, Kevin D.Hyde, Zhongtang Yu. A phylogenetic census of global diversity of gut anaerobic fungi and a new taxonomic framework. Fungal Diversity 2018, 89(1): 253–266.
9、Gao ST, Guo J, Quan SY, Nan XM, Fernandez MVS, Baumgard LH, Bu DP: The effects of heat stress on protein metabolism in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 2017, 100(6):5040-5049.
10、Ma L, Zhao M, Zhao LS, Xu JC, Loor JJ, Bu DP: Effects of dietary neutral detergent fiber and starch ratio on rumen epithelial cell morphological structure and gene expression in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2017, 100(5):3705-3712.
11、Robinson TP, Wertheim HF, Kakkar M, Kariuki S, Bu D, Price LB: Animal production and antimicrobial resistance in the clinic. The Lancet.2016. 387(10014):9-15.
12、Robinson TP, Bu DP, Carrique-Mas J, Fevre EM, Gilbert M, Grace D, Hay SI, Jiwakanon J, Kakkar M, Kariuki S et al: Antibiotic resistance is the quintessential One Health issue. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2016, 110(7):377-380.
13、Pi Y, Gao ST, Ma L, Zhu YX, Wang JQ, Zhang JM, Xu JC, Bu DP: Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2016, 99(7):5719-5730.
14、Lian S, Guo JR, Nan XM, Ma L, Loor JJ, Bu DP: MicroRNA Bta-miR-181a regulates the biosynthesis of bovine milk fat by targeting ACSL1. J Dairy Sci 2016, 99(5):3916-3924.
15、Zhou XQ, Zhang YD, Zhao M, Zhang T, Zhu D, Bu DP, Wang JQ: Effect of dietary energy source and level on nutrient digestibility, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and milk performance in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2015, 98(10):7209-7217.