
1. Qin T, Wang J, Cui SJ*. Development of a nanoparticle-assisted PCR assay for detection of canine coronavirus type I and type II. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2020. Accepted.
2. Ma L#, Qin T#, Chu D, Cheng X, Wang J, Wang X, Wang P, Han H, Ren L, Aitken R, Hammarström L, Li N, Zhao Y*. Internal Duplications of DH, JH, and C Region Genes Create an Unusual IgH Gene Locus in Cattle. Journal of immunology. J Immunol. 2016, 196(10):4358-4366.
3. Qin T*, Liu ZH, Zhao HJ. Organization and genomic complexity of sheep immunoglobulin light chain gene loci. Immunology Letters, 2015, 168, 313-318.
4. Qin T*, Zhao HJ, Wang D, Hao HS, Du WH, Zhu HB. Immunoglobulin Genomics in the Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster). Immunology Letters, 2015, 166, 79–86.
5. Qin T, Zhu H*, Wang D, Hao H & Du W. Genomic organization and expression of immunoglobulin genes in the chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus). Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 2015, 81, 11–22.
6. Qin T, Wang HY, Bu DP, Hao HS, Wang D and Zhu HB*. Effects of two different forage sources on mammary gland growth, mammary cell turnover and activity in early lactation dairy cows. Animal Production Science, 2015, 55, 630–633.
7. Qin T, Wang HY, Bu DP, Hao HS, Du W, Wang D, Zhao XM and Zhu HB*. Effect of forage type and forage-to-concentrate ratio on endocrine and metabolic regulation and mammary gland function in periparturient cows. Journal of Animal and Verterinay advances, 2013, 12(2):276-282.
联系电话:010-62813876 E-mail: qintong@caas.cn