
主要从事奶牛营养代谢与调控、犊牛消化道健康营养调控研究,以第一作者及通讯作者发表论文30余篇,其中SCI 18篇,授权国家发明专利授权2项、颁布农业行业标准1项、出版专著1部、副主编著作1部。2019年获北京市农业技术推广奖一等奖“奶牛提质增效饲养技术集成与推广应用”(第4完成人)、2019年获农业技术推广合作奖一等奖“奶牛绿色提质增效技术集成生产模式研究与示范推广”(第9完成人)、2020年获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖“寒区奶牛绿色高效安全养殖关键技术与应用”(第8完成人)。
1. 国家重点研发计划项目-政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“多功能化微藻:一种安全可持续低成本家畜生产用抗生素替代品研究应用”(编号:2018YFE0101400)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“短链脂肪酸调控断奶前犊牛胃肠道健康发育机制”(编号:31802092)
3. 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划课题“宁夏牛奶特异品质性状指纹图谱构建”(编号:2021BEF02018)
4. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费所级统筹项目 “牛奶中奇数碳链和支链脂肪酸的合成机制及营养调控研究”(编号:2020-YWF-TB-07)
1. Wenhui Liu, A La Teng Zhu La, Alexander Evans, Shengtao Gao, Zhongtang Yu, Dengpan Bu* and Lu Ma*. Supplementation with sodium butyrate improves growth and antioxidant function in dairy calves before weaning. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2021,4;12(1):2.
2. A La Teng Zhu La; K.M. Pierce; W.H. Liu; S.T. Gao; D.P. Bu*; L. Ma*. Supplementation with Schizochytrium sp. enhances growth performance and antioxidant capability of dairy calves before weaning. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2020. 271(1):114779.
3. L. Ma#; M. Zhao#; L. S. Zhao; J. C. Xu; J. J. Loor; D. P. Bu*, Effects of dietary neutral detergent fiber and starch ratio on rumen epithelial cell morphological structure and gene expression in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science,2017,100(5):3705-3712.
4. Lu Ma#; Yongxin Yang#; Xiaowei Zhao; Fang Wang; Shengtao Gao; Dengpan Bu*, Heat stress induces proteomic changes in the liver and mammary tissue of dairy cows independent of feed intake: An iTRAQ study. PLoS One, 2019, 14(1):e0209182.
5. Lu MA#; Yongxin YANG; Jingting CHEN; Jiaqi WANG; Dengpan BU, A rapid analytical method of major milk proteins by a reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Animal Science Journal, 2017,88: 1623-1628.
6. S. T. Gao#; D. D. Girma; M. Bionaz; L. Ma*; D. P. Bu*, Hepatic transcriptomic adaptation from prepartum to postpartum in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2020,104:1053-1072.
7. W. H. Liu#; A. La Teng Zhu La; A. C. O. Evans; S. T. Gao; Z. T. Yu; L. Ma*; D. P. Bu*, Supplementation with Yucca schidigera improves antioxidant capability and immune function and decreases fecal score of dairy calves before weaning. Journal of Dairy Science, 2020,104:4317-4325.
8. Aurele Gnetegha Ayemele#; Lu Ma#; Tansol Park; Jianchu Xu; Zhongtang Yu; Dengpan Bu⁎. Giant milkweed (Calotropis gigantea): A new plant resource to inhibit protozoa and decrease ammoniagenesis of rumen microbiota in vitro without impairing fermentation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,743:140665.
9. Tansol Park#; Lu Ma#; Ying Ma; Xiaoqiao Zhou; Dengpan Bu; Zhongtang Yu, Dietary energy sources and levels shift the multi-kingdom microbiota and functions in the rumen of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020,11:66.
10. 卜登攀;马露;王加启;南雪梅;陈静廷,奇数和支链脂肪酸作为鉴别动物种属乳标记物中的用途,2016-04-03,中国,发明专利,ZL 201410208425.X.(第2)
11. 卜登攀;皮宇;马露;许建初;于静,一种提高牛奶品质的饲料组合物及其制备方法和应用,2019-12-20,中国,发明专利,ZL 201610592949.4.(第3)
联系电话:010-62813901 E-mail:malu@caas.cn