
解竞静,1983年7月生,江苏省南京人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2004年获南京农业大学学士学位;2006年获南京农业大学硕士学位;2010年获美国阿肯色大学博士学位;2017 -2018年在美国哈佛大学医学院贝瑟迪康医学中心做访问学者。2011年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。主要从事动物营养生理学研究,现任家畜营养与调控创新团队助理。
1. “十三五”国家重点研发计划“养殖环境对畜禽健康的影响机制研究”课题骨干(编号:2016YFD0500501) 2. 物营养学国家重点实验室自主研究项目“营养和环境通过肠道微生物与机体互作调控幼龄猪健康的机制研究”
1.Zhang L, Wu W, Lee YK, Xie J*, Zhang H*. Spatial Heterogeneity and Co-occurrence of Mucosal and Luminal Microbiome across Swine Intestinal Tract. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:48.
2.Wu W, Xie J*, Zhang H. Dietary Fibers Influence the Intestinal SCFAs and Plasma Metabolites Profiling in Growing Pigs. Food & Function, 2016, 7: 4644-4654.
3.Xie J#, Tang L#, Lu L, Zhang L, Lin X, Liu H-C, Odle J, Luo X*. Effects of Acute and Chronic Heat Stress on Plasma Metabolites, Hormones and Oxidant Status in Restrictedly Fed Broiler Breeders. Poultry Science, 2015, 94(7): 1635-1644.
4.Xie J#,*, Tian C#, Zhu Y, Zhang L, Lu L, Luo X. Effects of Inorganic and Organic Manganese Supplementation on Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-I and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Expression and Reproductive Performance of Broiler Breeder Hens. Poultry Science, 2014, 93(4): 959-969.
5.Xie J, Tang L, Lu L, Zhang L, Xi L, Liu H C, Odle J, Luo X*. Differential Expression of Heat Shock Transcription Factors and Heat Shock Proteins after Acute and Chronic Heat Stress in Laying Chickens (Gallus Gallus). PLoS One, 2014, 9(7): e102204.
6.Xie J, Kuenzel W J, Sharp P J, Jurkevich A*. Appetitive and Consummatory Sexual and Agonistic Behaviour Elicits Fos Expression in Aromatase and Vasotocin Neurones within the Preoptic Area and Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis of Male Domestic Chickens. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2011, 23(3): 232-243.
7.Xie J, Kuenzel W J, Anthony N B, Jurkevich A*. Subpallial and Hypothalamic Areas Activated Following Sexual and Agonistic Encounters in Male Chickens. Physiology & Behavior, 2010, 101(3): 344-359.
8.Rao K#, Xie J#, Yang X#, Chen L#, Grossmann R, Zhao R*. Maternal Low-Protein Diet Programmes Offspring Growth in Association with Alterations in Yolk Leptin Deposition and Gene Expression in Yolk-Sac Membrane, Hypothalamus and Muscle of Developing Langshan Chicken Embryos. British Journal Nutrition, 2009, 102(6): 848-857.
9.Yang X#, Xie J#, Wu T, Yue G, Chen J, Zhao R*. Hepatic and Muscle Expression of Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Association with Body and Muscle Growth in Large Yellow Croaker, Pseudosciaena Crocea (Richardson). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2007, 151(2): 163-171.
联系电话:010-62816013 E-mail:xiejingjing@caas.cn