
2003年以来,主要从事动物繁殖调控理论和技术研究工作。先后主持国家 “十一五”“ 863”计划、 “十二五”科技支撑计划、“十四五”重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金等国家级项目(课题)十余项。针对母牛发情鉴定难度大、检出率低等产业问题,构建活动量、阴道温度自动采集技术,揭示活动量、阴道温度的发情周期变化规律,研发母牛繁殖管理自动化系统,实现了发情鉴定、妊娠诊断自动化,并示范应用;发现安静发情牛发情期间体温持续升高规律,在突破安静发情鉴定瓶颈方面取得重要阶段进展;建立了奶牛胚胎性别鉴定等多项分子检测技术。相关研究在Journal of Proteomics、Reproduction、Theriogenology 等重要专业期刊发表科研论文100 余篇,获发明专利10余件(含国际专利1 件)。制定农业行业标准2 项,获软件著作权3 项,获教育部科技进步二等奖和北京市农业技术推广二等奖。执行主编出版《动物种业科技创新战略研究》。
1. 国家重点研发计划项目“牛羊高效繁殖精准调控技术”(2023YFD13006001),主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“荷斯坦母牛安静发情体温变化规律及其激素调控机制研究”(32072739),主持
3. 现代农业产业技术体系北京市家畜创新团队繁育功能研究室奶牛繁殖调控技术岗位专家(BAIC05-2022),主持
1. 代表性文章
(1) Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Jing*, Dong Zhihao, Xu Shiyuan, Wang Dong*. Mechanisms underlying impaired spermatogenic function in orchitis induced by busulfan. Reprod Toxicol, 2023. 115: 1-7.
(2) Li Xin, Duan Chenying, Li Ruyi, Wang Dong*. Insights into the Mechanism of Bovine Spermiogenesis Based on Comparative Transcriptomic Studies. Animals, 2021, 11(1): 80.
(3) Tian Hongzhi, Liu Jiangjing, Chen Xiaoli, Li Shujing, Li Xin, Mengal Kifayatullah, Lu Yongqiang, Wang Dong*. Effects of ambient temperature and humidity on body temperature and activity of heifers, and a novel idea of heat stress monitoring. Anim Prod Sci, 2021, 61, 1584-1591.
(4) Wang Shuilian, Zhang Hongliang, Kou Hongxiang, Chen Xiaoli, Lu Yongqiang, Li Lanqi, Wang Dong*. Early pregnancy diagnoses based on physiological indexes of dairy cattle: a review. Trop Anim Health Prod, 2020, 52(5), 2205-2212.
(5) Wang Shuilian, Zhang Hongliang, Tian Hongzhi, Chen Xiaoli, Li Shujing, Lu Yongqiaong, Li Lanqi, Wang Dong*. Alterations in vaginal temperature during the estrous cycle in dairy cows detected by a new intravaginal device——a pilot study. Trop Anim Health Prod, 2020, 52(5), 2265-2271.
(6) Liu Jiangjing, Li Lanqi, Chen Xiaoli, Lu Yongqiang, Wang Dong*. Effects of heat stress on body temperature, milk production, and reproduction in dairy cows: a novel idea for monitoring and evaluation of heat stress — A review. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 2019, 32(9): 1332-1339.
(7) Chen Xiaoli, Liang Mingyuan, Wang Dong*. Progress on the study of the mechanism of busulfan cytotoxicity. Cytotechnology, 2018, 70(2):497-502.
(8) Kou Hongxiang, Zhao Yiqiang, Ren Kang, Chen Xiaoli, Lu Yongqiang, Wang Dong*. Automated measurement of cattle surface temperature and its correlation with rectal temperature. PLoS One, 2017,12(4): e0175377.
(9) Ren Xiaoxia, Chen Xiaoli, Wang Zhenling, Wang Dong*. Is transcription in sperm stationary or dynamic? J Reprod Dev, 2017, 63(5): 439-443.
(10) Qin Yusheng, Liu Ling, He Yanan, Wang Chen, Liang Mingyuan, Chen Xiaoli, Hao Haisheng, Qin Tong, Zhao Xueming, Wang Dong*. Testicular busulfan injection in mice to prepare recipients for spermatogonial stem cell transplantation is safe and non-toxic. PLoS One, 2016, 11(2): e0148388.
(11) Zuo Haiyang#, Zhang Junfang#, Zhang Liuguang#, Ren Xiaoxia, Chen Xiaoli, Hao Haisheng, Zhao Xueming, Wang Dong*. Transcriptomic variation during spermiogenesis in mouse germ cells, PLoS One, 2016, 11(11): e0164874.
(12) Qin Yusheng, Liu Ling, He Yanan, Ma Wenzhi, Zhu Huabin, Liang Mingyuan, Hao Haisheng, Qin Tong, Zhao Xueming, Wang Dong*. Testicular injection of busulfan for recipient preparation in transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells in mice. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2016, 28(12): 1916-1925.
(13) He Yanan, Chen Xiaoli, Zhu Huabin, Wang Dong*. Developments in techniques for the isolation, enrichment, main culture conditions and identification of spermatogonial stem cells. Cytotechnology, 2015, 67(6): 921-930.
2. 专利:
(1) Method for reporting bovine estrus, PATENTS ACT, (PCT/CN2018/088839)
(2) 一种牛发情预警方法(ZL201711354611.6)
(3) 一种通过检测牛阴道温度预警牛发情的方法(ZL 201711116395.1)
(4) 一种基于奶牛活动量变化的发情监测系统(ZL201520109489.6)
(5) 一种精原干细胞移植受体的制备方法(ZL 201210343103.9)
(6) 一种鉴别牛及其早期胚胎性别的方法(ZL201010182747.5)
(7) myostatin基因第三外显子单碱基突变位点的快速检测方法(ZL200910242827.2)
联系电话:010-62879492 E-mail:wangdong02@caas.cn;dwangcn2002@vip.sina.com