
研究方向为农业大动物的基因编辑与胚胎工程,致力于运用基因编辑、动物克隆以及干细胞技术进行畜禽种质资源保护利用与生物育种、大动物疾病模型与人源化大动物制备等研究工作。以第一作者或通讯作者身份(含共同)在PNAS(IF=11.10)、Cell Research(IF="44.10)、Protein & Cell(IF="21.10)、Cell Discovery(IF="33.50)等杂志发表SCI论文15篇。
建立了高效的猪规模化基因编辑克隆平台、牛基因编辑克隆平台以及高效的羊基因编辑平台。运用基因编辑与克隆技术开展了猪和牛的抗病育种研究,地方猪的生长速度和肋骨数生物育种研究。运用异种嵌合体与人源化技术,制备了首例猴猪异种嵌合体动物,相关成果以封面形式发表在Protein & Cell(2020),受到国内外媒体广泛关注;制备首例新冠病毒感染大动物(猪)模型,相关文章发表在Cell Discovery(2021);建立了国际领先的免疫缺陷大动物规模化制备、猪的DPF饲养与人源化平台;建立了国际领先的猪多能性干细胞克隆平台,制备了首例多轮基因编辑胚胎干细胞克隆猪,揭示猪诱导多能干细胞异常重编程及其克隆胚胎发育异常的机制,并大幅提高猪诱导多能性干细胞克隆效率,相关文章发表在Cell Research(2021)和PNAS(2018)。
1. Qin Y. #, Li C. #,Gao X., Wu Y., Guo Z., Gao F., Yu D. *, Wu S. *, Du X. * (2023). Derivation of transgene-free bat induced pluripotent stem cells amenable to chimera formation in mice, pigs, and chicks. Cell Discov. (IF= 33.50)
2. Ren, J. #, Hai, T. #, Chen, Y. #, Sun, K., Han, Z., Wang, J., Wang, Q., Li, C., Wang L., Zhu H., Yu, D. *, Li, W. *, Zhao, S. * (2023). Improve meat production and virus resistance by simultaneously editing multiple genes in livestock using Cas12iMax. Science China Life Sciences. (IF="9.10)
3. Wang, J. #, Ren, J. #, Wang, Q. #, Li, C., Han, Z., Chen, T., Sun, K., Feng, G., Zhang, Y., Han, J., Zhou, Q., Li, W., Yu, D. *, Hai, T. * (2023). Nanos3 knockout pigs to model transplantation and reconstruction of the germline. Cell Prolif. (IF="8.50)
4. Ren, J. #, Yu, D. #*, Wang, J. #, Xu, K. #, Xu, Y., Sun, R., An, P., Li, C., Feng, G., Zhang, Y., Dai, X., Zhao, H., Wang, Z., Han, Z., Zhu, H., Ding, Y., You, X., Liu, X., Wu, M., Luo, L., Li, Z., Yang, Y., Hu, Z. *, Wei, H. *, Ge, L. *, Hai, T. *, Li, W. * (2022). Generation of immunodeficient pig with hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 and their preliminary application for humanized liver. Cell Biosci. (IF="7.50)
5. Li, J. #, Yu, D. #*, W, J. #, Li, C., W, Q., W, J., Du, W., Zhao, S., Pang, Y., Hao, H., Zhao, X., Zhu, H. *, Li, S. *, Zou, H. * (2022). Identification of pig IG-DMR and abnormal imprinting of DLK1-DIO3 in cloned pigs. Front Cell Dev Biol. (IF=" 6.08)
6. Du, X. #, Guo, Z. #, Fan, W. #, Hai, T. #, Gao, F., Li, P., Qin, Y., Chen, C., Han, Z., Ren, J., Jiao, P., Liu, W., Bi, Y. *, Yu, D. *, and Wu, S. * (2021). Establishment of a humanized swine model for COVID-19. Cell Discov 7, 70. (IF=" 33.50)
7. Li, J. #, Wang, L. #, Yu, D. #, Hao, J., Zhang, L., Adeola, A.C., Mao, B., Gao, Y., Wu, S., Zhu, C., Zhang, Y., Ren, J., Mu, C., Irwin, D.M., Wang, L., Hai, T. *, Xie, H. *, and Zhang, Y. * (2021). Single-cell RNA-sequencing Reveals Thoracolumbar Vertebra Heterogeneity and Rib-genesis in Pigs. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. (IF="9.14)
8. Zhi, M. #, Zhang, J. #, Tang, Q. #, Yu, D. #, Gao, S. #, Gao, D., Liu, P., Guo, J., Hai, T., Gao, J., Cao, S., Zhao, Z., Li, C., Weng, X., He, M., Chen, T., Wang, Y., Long, K., Jiao, D., Li, G., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Lin, Y., Pang, D., Zhu, Q., Chen, N., Huang, J., Chen, X., Yao, Y., Yang, J., Xie, Z., Huang, X., Liu, M., Zhang, R., Li, Q., Miao, Y., Tian, J., Huang, X., Ouyang, H., Liu, B., Xie, W., Zhou, Q., Wei, H., Liu, Z. *, Zheng, C. *, Li, M. *, and Han, J. * (2021). Generation and characterization of stable pig pregastrulation epiblast stem cell lines. Cell Res. (IF="44.10)
9. Fu, R. #, Yu, D. #, Ren, J. #, Li, C. #, Wang, J., Feng, G., Wang, X., Wan, H., Li, T., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Hai, T. *, Li, W. *, and Zhou, Q. * (2020). Domesticated cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells allow the generation of neonatal interspecies chimeric pigs. Protein Cell 11, 97-107. (IF="21.10)
10. Ren, J. #, Yu, D. #, Fu, R., An, P., Sun, R., Wang, Z., Guo, R., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., Yang, Y.G., Li, W., Hai, T. *, and Hu, Z. * (2020). IL2RG-deficient minipigs generated via CRISPR/Cas9 technology support the growth of human melanoma-derived tumours. Cell Prolif 53, e12863. (IF="8.50).
11. Zou, H. #, Yu, D. #, Du, X. #, Wang, J. #, Chen, L., Wang, Y., Xu, H., Zhao, Y., Zhao, S., Pang, Y., Liu, Y., Hao, H., Zhao, X., Du, W., Dai, Y., Li, N., Wu, S. *, and Zhu, H. * (2019). No imprinted XIST expression in pigs: biallelic XIST expression in early embryos and random X inactivation in placentas. Cell Mol Life Sci 76, 4525-4538. (IF=8.00)
12. Yu, D. #, Wang, J. #, Zou, H. #, Feng, T. #, Chen, L., Li, J., Qi, X., Li, Z., Duan, X., Xu, C., Zhang, L., Long, X., Lan, J., Chen, C., Wang, C., Xu, X., Ren, J., Zhao, Y., Hu, X., Lian, Z., Men, H., Pan, D., Li, N., Capecchi, M.R. *, Du, X. *, Zhao, Y. *, and Wu, S. * (2018). Silencing of retrotransposon-derived imprinted gene RTL1 is the main cause for postimplantational failures in mammalian cloning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E11071-E11080. (IF="11.10)
13. Wang, X. #, Li, T. #, Cui, T. #, Yu, D. #, Liu, C. #, Jiang, L., Feng, G., Wang, L., Fu, R., Zhang, X., Hao, J., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Zhou, Q. *, Li, W. *, and Hu, B. * (2018). Human embryonic stem cells contribute to embryonic and extraembryonic lineages in mouse embryos upon inhibition of apoptosis. Cell Res 28, 126-129. (IF=44.10)
14. Du, X. #, Feng, T. #, Yu, D. #, Wu, Y., Zou, H., Ma, S., Feng, C., Huang, Y., Ouyang, H., Hu, X., Pan, D., Li, N., and Wu, S. * (2015). Barriers for Deriving Transgene-Free Pig iPS Cells with Episomal Vectors. Stem Cells 33, 3228-3238. (IF=5.20)
15. Yu, D. #, Zhang, S. #, Du, W. *, Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Hao, H., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Qin, T., and Zhu, H. (2014). Expression of intracellular interferon-alpha confers antiviral properties in transfected bovine fetal fibroblasts and does not affect the full development of SCNT embryos. PLoS One 9, e94444. (IF="3.70)
16. 专利:吴森; 赵要风; 杜旭光; 余大为; 王靖; 邹惠影; 冯涛 ; 一种提高哺乳动物克隆胚胎受体妊娠率的方法, 2018-8-27, 中国, ZL201810981815.0
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