
Expert Team





1. 研发国内首款鸡55K SNP育种芯片“京芯一号”,建立肉鸡基因组育种技术(ZL201780023241X,2/7)

2. 培育“广明2号”白羽肉鸡配套系(农 09 新品种证字第 94 号,4/21)

3. 培育“京星黄鸡103”配套系(农 09 新品种证字第69号,5/14)

4. 节粮优质抗病黄羽肉鸡新品种培育与应用,2016年获得国家科技进步二等奖(排名第9)

5. 2018年入选科技部人才推进计划重点领域创新团队(排名第4);

6. 2019年获神农中华农业科技优秀创新团队奖(排名第6)


1. 国家重点研发计划(青年)项目 “基于泛基因组的白羽肉鸡劣质肉精准遗传改良技术研发”(主持)

2. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程重大项目“白羽肉鸡新品种培育”(骨干)

3. 中国农科院创新工程鸡遗传育种创新团队项目(骨干)


发表第一/通讯作者论文36篇(SCI 30篇,累计IF>80),包括Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)和Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology(JASB)等;申请发明专利10项(授权6项)。

1. Ranran Liu, et al, Dominant changes in the breast muscle lipid profiles of broiler chickens with wooden breast syndrome revealed by lipidomics analyses. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2022. 13:93

2. Ranran Liu, et al . A new chicken 55K SNP genotyping array. BMC Genomics. 2019. 20:410.

3. Ranran Liu, et al . Effects of genomic selection for intramuscular fat content in breast muscle in Chinese local chickens. Animal Genetics . 2018.50, 87–91.

4. Ranran Liu, et al . Uncovering the embryonic development-related proteome and metabolome signatures in breast muscle and intramuscular fat of fast-and slow-growing chickens. BMC Genomics . 2017.18, 816.

5. Xiaodong Tan, Ranran Liu (共同第一). et al. Genome-Wide Detection of Key Genes and Epigenetic Markers for Chicken Fatty Liver. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020. 21(5).

6. Wei Li, Ranran Liu (共同第一), et al. New insights into the associations among feed efficiency, metabolizable efficiency traits and related QTL regions in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2020. 11:65.

7. Greger Larson & Ranran Liu (共同一作), et al. Patterns of East Asian pig domestication, migration, and turnover revealed by modern and ancient DNA. PNAS , 2010, 107(17):7686-7691.

8. 刘冉冉,文杰等,与鸡脂肪代谢相关的lncRNA、其调控靶点及其应用. ZL2020100677347.

9. 赵桂苹,刘冉冉等,一种鸡全基因组SNP芯片及其应用,ZL201780023241X.

10. 刘冉冉,文杰等,一种与鸡腹脂沉积相关的miRNA及其应用,ZL201510494475.5.


    联系电话:010-62816018    E-mail:liuranran@caas.cn

    (简历更新时间 2022-09-30)