
Expert Team


  解竞静,1983年7月生,江苏省南京市人,博士,硕士生导师。2004年获南京农业大学学士学位;2006年获南京农业大学硕士学位;2010年获University of Arkansas博士学位;2017年-2018年在美国哈佛医学院做访问学者。2011年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。主要从事单胃动物营养生理研究,现任家畜营养与调控创新团队骨干专家。




  1. 政府购买服务“非常规新饲料资源分析评价”项目负责人(16210054)

  2. 横向合作课题“桃金娘也提取物对肉鸡生产性能的影响及抗氧化作用的研究” 项目负责人

  3. 横向合作课题“猪肠道O-糖基化修饰关键基因挖掘与分析方法开发” 项目负责人


  1. Wu W, Xie J*, Zhang H. Dietary fibers influence the intestinal SCFAs and plasma metabolites profiling in growing pigs. Food & Function. 2016;7:4644-54.

  2. Fang W#, Zhang L#, Meng Q, Wu W, Lee YK, Xie J*, Zhang H. Effects of dietary pectin on the profile and transport of intestinal bile acids in young pigs. Journal of animal science. 2018;96(11):4743-54.

  3. Medeiros S#, Xie J#, Dyce PW, Cai HY, DeLange K, Zhang H*, Li Ju*. Isolation of bacteria from fermented food and grass carp intestine and their efficiencies in improving nutrient value of soybean meal in solid state fermentation. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2018;9:29.

  4. Zhang L, Wu W, Lee Y-K, Xie J*, Zhang H*. Spatial Heterogeneity and Co-occurrence of Mucosal and Luminal Microbiome across Swine Intestinal Tract. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018;9:48.

  5. Fang W, Wen X, Meng Q, Wu W, Everaert N, Xie J*, Zhang H. Alteration in bile acids profile in Large White pigs during chronic heat exposure. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2019;84:375-83.

  6. Tang S#, Xie J#, Zhang S, Wu W, Yi B, Zhang H*. Atmospheric Ammonia Affects Myofiber Development and Lipid Metabolism in Growing Pig Muscle. Animals (Basel). 2019;10(1):2.

  7. Wen XB, Wu WD, Fang W, Tang SL, Xin HR, Xie JJ*, Zhang HF. Effects of long-term heat exposure on cholesterol metabolism and immune responses in growing pigs. Livestock Science. 2019;230: 103857.

  8. Tang S, Xie J*, Wu W, Yi B, Liu L, Zhang H*. High ammonia exposure regulates lipid metabolism in the pig skeletal muscle via mTOR pathway. Science of the Total Environment. 2020;740:139917.

  9. Wu W, Zhang L, Xia B, Tang S, Liu L, Xie J*, Zhang H. Bioregional Alterations in Gut Microbiome Contribute to the Plasma Metabolomic Changes in Pigs Fed with Inulin. Microorganisms. 2020;8(1):111.

  10. Yin C, Tang S, Liu L, Cao A, Xie J*, Zhang H. Effects of Bile Acids on Growth Performance and Lipid Metabolism during Chronic Heat Stress in Broiler Chickens. Animals (Basel). 2021;11(3):630.



  联系电话:010-62816013    E-mail: xiejingjing@caas.cn

  (简历更新时间 2021-09-30)