
Expert Team


  王珍,博士,研究员,博士研究生导师。2004年获中国科学院植物研究所博士学位; 2006年-2008年德国马普植物育种研究所博士后;2008年-2013年美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学博士后,2013年-2016任美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学研究助理教授。2016年7月至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。主要从事苜蓿遗传育种与分子生物学研究。


  主要从事植物生理与分子生物学研究,在PNAS, Molecular Plant,the Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, BMC Plant Biology,Plant Molecular Biology等国际期刊发表SCI论文20多篇;获得国家专利4项。


  1.中国农业科学院 “青年英才”启动基金(编号:ASTIP-IAS-TS-14) 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目“磷酸化修饰膜联蛋白MtAnnexin2调控苜蓿耐盐性的分子机理”(编号:31772663)



  1. Junmei Kang, Qiaoyan Zhang, Xu Jiang, Tiejun Zhang, Ruicai Long, Qingchuan Yang, Zhen Wang*. Molecular cloning and functional identification of a squalene synthase encoding gene from alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2019, 20 (18): 4499-4515.(*通讯作者)

  2. Hao Sun, Ruicai Long, Fan Zhang, Tiejun Zhang, Junmei Kang, Zhen Wang*, Chunyu Cao, Jie Yu, Qingchuan Yang*. Proteomic analysis of shoot tips from two alfalfa cultivars with different florescence. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter , 2019, 37(4): 265-276.(*通讯作者)

  3. Junmei Kang, Tiejun Zhang , Tao Guo, Wang Ding, Ruicai Long, Qingchuan Yang, Zhen Wang*. Isolation and Functional Characterization of MsFTa , a FLOWERING LOCUS T Homolog from Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2019, 20(8): 1968-1981.(*通讯作者)

  4. Zhen Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Bo Xie and Zonglie Hong. Arabidopsis NUCLEOSTEMIN-LIKE1 (NSN1) regulates cell cycling potentially by cooperating with NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN AtNAP1;1. BMC Plant Biology , 2018, 18(1): 99-110.

  5. Lili Cong, Yan Sun, Zhen Wang, Junmei Kang, Tiejun Zhang, Bill Biligetu, Qingchuan Yang. A rapid screening method for evaluating alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) resistance to Fusarium root rot. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology , 2017, 39 (4): 1-9.

  6. Chen Chen, Kevin Begcy, Kan Liu, Jing Folsom, Zhen Wang, Chi Zhang, and Harkamal Walia. Molecular characterization of rice endosperm development under heat stress identifies OsMADS87 as a determinant of seed size and thermal sensitivity. Plant Physiology , 2016, 171(1): 606-622. 

  7. Zhen Wang, Juan A. Casas-Mollano, Jianping Xu, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Chi Zhang, Heriberto Cerutti. Osmotic stress induces phosphorylation of histone h3 at threonine 3 in pericentromeric regions of Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2015, 112 (27): 8487-8492.

  8. Li Wang, Zhen Wang#, Yunyuan Xu, Se-Hwan Joo, Seong-Ki Kim, Zhen Xue, Zhihong Xu, Zhiyong Wang, Kang Chong. OsGSR1 is involved in cross-talk between gibberellins and brassinosteroids in rice. The Plant Journal , 2009, 57 (3): 498-510 .(# 共同第一作者)

  9. Zhen Wang, Shuping Xing, Rainer P. Birkenbihl and Sabine Zachgo. Conserved functions of arabidopsis and rice CC-type glutaredoxins in flower development and pathogen response. Molecular Plant , 2009, 2 (2): 323-335. 

  10. Zhen Wang, Yu Liang, Chijun Li, Yunyuan Xu, Lefu Lan, Changbin Chen, Zhihong Xu, Yongbiao Xue, and Kang Chong. Microarray analysis of gene expression involved in anther development in rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Plant Molecular Biology , 2005, 58: 721-737.


  联系电话:010-62816357 E-mail:wangzhen@caas.cn