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  2011年以来,主要从事奶牛营养与牛奶品质研究、以及优质乳工程技术应用工作。2014年,项目“生鲜乳质量控制技术与应用”获河北省科技进步一等奖,第四完成人;2017年,项目“我国南方奶牛高效健康饲养关键技术及应用”获安徽省科技进步三等奖,第四完成人;2011年,项目“奶牛提质增效关键技术示范推广”获全国农牧渔业丰收奖三等奖,第十一完成人。联合研究制定了农业部行业标准“奶牛热应激评价技术规范”(NY/T 2363-2013)和“巴氏杀菌乳和UHT灭菌乳中复原乳的鉴定”(NY/T 939-2016)。优质乳工程技术已在现代牧业、新希望乳业、上海光明乳业、福建长富乳业、重庆天友乳业、辉山乳业、中垦乳业等18个省市24家乳制品企业示范应用。


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于转录组学分析研究宿主与微生物相互关系对奶牛瘤胃功能的影响”(31601963),2017-2019 2. 农业部农业技术试验示范专项经费-全株玉米青贮加工贮藏质量安全控制技术集成与应用,2016-至今 3. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费-产业“一条龙”联盟建设优质乳联盟建设(Y2017LM28),2017-2019



  1.编著《美国优质乳条例》,王加启. 郑楠. 张养东. 孟璐等编著.

  2.副主编 编著《中国奶产品质量安全研究报告(2016)》. 

  3.副主编 编著《全株玉米青贮制作与质量评价》.

  4.Yangdong Zhang, Jiaqi Wang*. Short communication: Influence of preserving factors on detection of β-lactamase in raw bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science. 2016,99: 8571-8574.

  5.Yangdong Zhang, Jiaqi Wang*. Occurrence of tetracyclines, sulfonamides, sulfamethazine and quinolones in pasteurized milk and UHT milk in China’s market. Food Control. 2014,36: 238-242.

  6.Yangdong Zhang, Jiaqi Wang*. Technical Note: Can tail arterial or tail venous blood represent external pudic arterial blood to measure amino acid uptake by mammary gland of cows? Livestock Science. 2016,188:9-12.

  7.Jianbo Cheng, Yangdong Zhang*. Feeding rumen-protected gamma-aminobutyric acid enhances the immune response and antioxidant status of heat-stressed lactating dairy cows. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2016,60: 103-108. 

  8.Rongwei Han, Nan Zheng, Yangdong Zhang#, Jiaqi Wang*. Milk fatty acid profiles in Holstein dairy cows fed diets based on corn stover or mixed forage. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 2014, 68(1): 63-71. 

  9.Xiaoqiao Zhou, Yangdong Zhang#, Dengpan Bu*, and Jiaqi Wang*. Effect of dietary energy source and level on nutrient digestibility, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and milk performance in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2015, 98(10):7209-7217. 

  10.Lu Meng, Yangdong Zhang#, Nan Zheng*. Characterization of Pseudomonas spp. and Associated Proteolytic Properties in Raw Milk Stored at Low Temperatures. 2017, 8(2158): 1–7.


  联系电话:010-62816069 E-mail: zhangyangdong@caas.cn