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Mingxing Chu

Source: Author: Date:2014-12-02

Ph.D / Professor

Institute of Animal Science (IAS)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Address: No 2, Yuanmingyuan West Rd., Beijing, 100193, China
Major: Animal Genetics and Breeding
Birth Date: Feb 23, 1968
Positional Titles
Principal scientist, Mutton sheep and goat genetics and breeding team, Science and Technology Innovation Project of China.
Post scientist, molecular breeding of mutton sheep and goat of China Agriculture Research System.
Expert of high-level talent pool, China Association for Science and Technology.
Standing member of the council ,Sheep and goat raising branch, Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV).
Member of the council, Animal genetics and breeding branch, CAAV.
Education Background
Mingxing Chu, an animal genetics and breeding scientist by training, received his BSc degree in Animal Genetics & Breeding (1990) from Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China, his MS degree in Animal Genetics & Breeding (1993) from Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China and his PhD in Animal Genetics & Breeding (1996) from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
Research Area
Professor Chu presided over 20 scientific research projects, participated in 30 projects at national, provincial and ministerial levels. Three invention patents (ranked first) have been authorized.
He was engaged in basic research, technology innovation and talent training on animal genetics and breeding. His research focuses on genetic mechanism controlling year-round estrus and high prolificacy in both local sheep and goat breeds. His team aims to identify vital molecular genetic markers assisting animal breeding, they have characterized polymorphisms of more than 30 genes in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and their association with litter size in both sheep and goat. His team has established the methods to detect high prolificacy major gene FecB in Chinese local sheep. He was also in charge of establishing “Molecular Detection Methods for High Prolificacy Major Gene FecB in Sheep - The People's Republic of China Agricultural Industry Standard - NY/T 1672-2008”, which has been popularized and applied by more than 9 scientific institutes in China. It has made great contribution to the economic benefit of sheep breeding industry in China.
Ongoing Research Projects
(1)   National Natural Science Foundation of China (31472078, Jan 2015 - Dec 2018) “Functional analysis of candidate genes, miRNAs and lncRNAs for ovine year-round estrus based on transcriptome sequencing”.
(2)   Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of China (Jan 2014 - Dec 2015) “Mutton sheep and goat genetics and breeding”.
(3)   Science and Technology Major Project of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China (Jan 2014 - Dec 2016) “Reproductive performance improvement and optimization of crosses of mutton sheep in BayanNur”.
(4)   Science and Technology Supporting Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China (Jan 2013 - Dec 2015) “Establishing the nucleus herd of prolific Turpan black sheep using high prolificacy major gene”.
(5)   National Natural Science Foundation of China – Xinjiang Joint Fund (Jan 2012 - Dec 2015) “Molecular mechanism of cold resistance of Altay sheep in Xinjiang extremely cold regions”.
(6)   Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Program of China (2011ZX08010-006, Jul 2011 - Dec 2015) “Evaluation of breeding value of genetically modified animals with high prolificacy”.
(7)   The Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System (CARS-39)Jan 2011 - Dec 2015“Molecular breeding of mutton sheep and goat”.
1National Leading Talent for Science and Technology Innovation by Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2014.
2The 3rd Science and Technology Achievement Award (Ranked first) of Changxin Wu Animal Genetics and Breeding, 2013, “Screening and application of molecular genetic markers involved in reproductive traits of sheep and goat”.
3The third prize (Ranked first) of Beijing Science and Technology Award, 2013, “Screening and application of molecular genetic markers involved in reproductive traits of sheep and goat”.
4The second prize (Ranked fourth) of Hebei Science and Technology Progress Award, 2011, “Establishment and demonstration of well-bred breeding system of highly producing dairy cattle in North China plain”.
5Special Government Allowance by State Council of China, 2011.
6Mao Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award by Beijing Association for Science and Technology, 2008.
7National Scientist of the New Century Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project of China in 2008.
8The 10th Youth Science and Technology Award by China Association of Agricultural Science Societies, 2007.
9The second prize (Ranked first) of Beijing Science and Technology Award, 2004, “Genetic research and utilization of germplasm resources in Small Tail Han sheep”.
10The second prize (Ranked fifth) of National Science and Technology Progress Award of China, 2001, “Theories and technologies of livestock genetic resources conservation”.
11The first prize (Ranked fifth) of Science and Technology Progress Award by China Ministry of Agriculture, 1999, “Theories and technologies of livestock genetic resources conservation”.
Books and Publications
1. Mingxing Chu, Shoukun Shi. Type Linear Appraisal and Application in Dairy Cattle. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. Beijing, Aug, 1999.
2. Mingxing Chu, Changxin Wu, Jiansheng Zhang. Research and Application of High Fertility in Taihu Pig. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. Beijing, Sep, 2003.
3. Mingxing Chu translation. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics (Fourth Edition), China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. Beijing, May, 2000.
4. More 320 academic publications from 1991 to 2013 (over 60 publications on SCI Journals).
Contact Ways
Tel: +86-10-62819850, 13681285159
Fax: +86-10-62895351
E-mail: mxchu@263.net
Website: http://www.iascaas.net.cn