The Sino-Russia Joint Laboratory on Forage Genetic Resources
Source: Author: Date:2014-12-05
The Sino-Russia Joint Laboratory on Forage Genetic Resources(SRFGR) established in 2013, was designed to consolidate of the scientific and technical potentials of both parties (the Institute of Animal Sciencesof Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences andthe N.I. Vavilov All- Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry) for more effective management of the existing collections of forage genetic resources, their comprehensive study and utilization employing modern methods and technologies.Main research themes:
-collection and preservation of new germplasm accessions to the existing collections of forage genetic resources;
-characterization, evaluation and identification of unique forage genetic resources in China and Russia;
-development of new genomic tools for the characterization and study of forage genetic diversity;
-unblocking key functional genes and alleles responsible for important and unique traits;
-identification and mapping priority indigenous forage species for collection and conservation using genomic, phenotypic and other approaches.