
Expert Team


  徐凌洋,1984年11月生,安徽寿县人,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2015年经中国农业科学院青年英才计划(A类)引进。2018年入选中国农业科学院农科英才。2006年获西南大学学士学位;2011年获中国农业科学院博士学位;2011年-2012年在北京博奥国家生物芯片研究中心做研究助理。2012-2015年在美国马里兰大学与美国农业部农业研究中心做博士后研究。2015年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。现任牛遗传育种创新团队骨干专家,主要从事分子数量遗传学, 功能基因组学和群体遗传学研究。


  研究方向包括1)、评估牛群体遗传结构和混合,研究基因组选择与分子进化,综合全基因组选择信号检测与关联分析, 利用基因单倍型网络分析揭示多基因选择的机制。2)、搭建多算法基因组拷贝数变异(CNV)分析平台, 研究拷贝数变异的性状关联与群体遗传学特质,整合CNV与SNP的分析揭示复杂性状缺失的遗传力与分子选择进化机制,为更有效的剖析家养动物经济性状和适应性性状提供新的思路。3)、利用全基因组关联分析与基因组选择技术解析肉牛复杂经济性状遗传机制,评估与优化基因组选择策略, 为开展动物分子遗传育种和基因组选择育种提供理论基础。

  研究成果分别以第一作者或通讯作者发表于Molecular Biology and Evolution, DNA research,BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, Genome Biology and Evolution, Scientific Report等国际期刊。其中参与“肉牛全基因组选择分子育种技术体系的建立与应用”项目,在中国农学会主持的2016-2017年度“神农中华农业科技奖”评审中荣获一等奖(第9完成人)。

  担任国际期刊BMC Genomics; Bioinformatics; BMC Genetics; Scientific reports; Peel J; Frontiers in Genetics; Functional & Integrative Genomics; Genetica; Evolutionary Bioinformatics;G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics 等审稿人。


  1、国家自然科学基金面上项目“肉牛脂肪酸组分相关多效变异的鉴定及多组学信息验证”(主持,编号:31972554,2020.1-2023.12, 经费59万);

  2、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“肉用西门塔尔牛经济性状拷贝数变异关联分析与候选区间精细定位”(主持,编号:31702084,2018.1-2021.12, 经费25万);

  3、中国农业科学院院创新人才项目“肉牛基因组选择优化与基因组变异系统研究”(主持,编号:ASTIP-IAS-TS-16, 2016.1-2021.12, 经费160万);

  4、中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目“深度测序解析地方黄牛适应性状分子遗传进化机制”(主持,编号:2016ywf-yb-6, 2016.1-2018.12, 经费30万)。



  1. Zhao G, Liu Y, Niu Q, Zheng X, Zhang T, Wang Z, Xu L, Zhu B, Gao X, Zhang L,Gao H, Li J, Xu L*. Runs of homozygosity analysis reveals consensus homozygous regions affecting production traits in Chinese Simmental beef cattle. BMC Genomics. 2021 Sep 21;22(1):678.

  2. Niu Q, Zhang T, Xu L, Wang T, Wang Z, Zhu B, Zhang L, Gao H, Song J, Li J, Xu L*. Integration of selection signatures and multi-trait GWAS reveals polygenic genetic architecture of carcass traits in beef cattle. Genomics. 2021 Sep;113(5):3325-3336.

  3. Yang L, Niu Q, Zhang T, Zhao G, Zhu B, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H, Liu GE, Li J, Xu L*. Genomic sequencing analysis reveals copy number variations and their associations with economically important traits in beef cattle. Genomics. 2021 Jan;113(1 Pt 2):812-820.

  4. Xu L*, Zhao G, Yang L, Zhu B, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H, Liu GE, Li J. Genomic Patterns of Homozygosity in Chinese Local Cattle. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov18;9(1):16977.

  5. Xu L, Wang Z, Zhu B, Liu Y, Li H, Bordbar F, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H,Zhang S, Xu L*, Li J*. Theoretical Evaluation of Multi-Breed Genomic Prediction in Chinese Indigenous Cattle. Animals (Basel). 2019 Oct 11;9(10).

  6. Xu L*, Yang L, Zhu B, Zhang W, Wang Z, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H, Liu GE, Li J*. Genome-wide scan reveals genetic divergence and diverse adaptive selection in Chinese local cattle. BMC Genomics. 2019 Jun 14;20(1):494.

  7. Wang Z, Zhu B, Niu H, Zhang W, Xu L, Xu L, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H,Zhang S, Xu L*, Li J*. Genome wide association study identifies SNPs associated with fatty acid composition in Chinese Wagyu cattle. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2019 Mar 4;10:27.

  8. Xu L*, Yang L, Wang L, Zhu B, Chen Y, Gao H, Gao X, Zhang L, Liu GE, Li J*. Probe-based association analysis identifies several deletions associated with average daily gain in beef cattle. BMC Genomics. 2019 Jan 10;20(1):31.

  9. Guo P, Zhu B, Niu H, Wang Z, Liang Y, Chen Y, Zhang L, Ni H, Guo Y, Hay EHA, Gao X, Gao H, Wu X, Xu L*, Li J*. Fast genomic prediction of breeding values using parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo with convergence diagnosis. BMC Bioinformatics.2018 Jan 3;19(1):3.

  10. Yang L, Xu L*, Zhu B, Niu H, Zhang W, Miao J, Shi X, Zhang M, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao H, Li L, Liu GE, Li J*. Genome-wide analysis reveals differential selection involved with copy number variation in diverse Chinese Cattle. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 30;7(1):14299.

  11. Zhu B, Niu H, Zhang W, Wang Z, Liang Y, Guan L, Guo P, Chen Y, Zhang L, Guo Y, Ni H, Gao X, Gao H, Xu L*, Li J*. Genome wide association study and genomic prediction for fatty acid composition in Chinese Simmental beef cattle using high density SNP array. BMC Genomics. 2017 Jun 14;18(1):464.

  12. Xu L, Haasl RJ, Sun J, Zhou Y, Bickhart DM, Li J, Song J, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Lewin HA, Liu GE*. Systematic Profiling of Short Tandem Repeats in the Cattle Genome. Genome Biol Evol. 2017 Jan 1;9(1):20-31.

  13. Bickhart DM#, Xu L#, Hutchison JL, Cole JB, Null DJ, Schroeder SG, Song J,Garcia JF, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Schnabel RD, Taylor JF, Lewin HA, Liu GE*. Diversity and population-genetic properties of copy number variations and multicopy genes in cattle. DNA Res. 2016 Apr 15. pii: dsw013.

  14. Xu L, Hou Y, Bickhart DM, Zhou Y, Hay el HA, Song J, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Liu GE*. Population-genetic properties of differentiated copy number variations in cattle. Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 23;6:23161. doi: 10.1038/srep23161.

  15. Xu L, Bickhart DM, Cole JB, Schroeder SG, Song J, Van Tassell CP, Sonstegard TS, Liu GE*. Genomic signatures reveal new evidences for selection of important traits in domestic cattle. Mol Biol Evol. 2014 Nov 26. pii: msu333.

  16. Xu L, Zhao F, Ren H, Li L, Lu J, Liu J, Zhang S, Liu GE, Song J, Zhang L, Wei C, Du L*. Co-Expression Analysis of Fetal Weight-Related Genes in Ovine Skeletal Muscle during Mid and Late Fetal Development Stages. Int J Biol Sci 2014; 10(9):1039-1050.

  17. Xu L, Cole JB, Bickhart DM, Hou Y, Song J, VanRaden PM, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Liu GE*. Genome wide CNV analysis reveals additional variants associated with milk production traits in Holsteins. BMC Genomics. 2014 Aug 15;15(1):683.


  1. 肉用西门塔尔牛19号染色体上与脂肪酸C14:0含量相关的SNP位点及应用.发明专利. 2020

  2. 大动物静脉专用采血针.实用新型专利. 2020

  3. 一种牛体刷.ZL201920732961.X.实用新型专利. 2020



  联系电话:010-62816065, 18519842925    E-mail:xulingyang@caas.cn

  (简历更新时间 2021-09-30)